Also known as the Pareto Principal.
Named after Vilfredo Pareto an Italian economist in 1906. Mr Pareto realized that 80% of the land was owned by 20% of the people, also 20% of his pea pods contained 80% of the peas!
Cool huh? But why is this important? Well if the same holds true for you it means that 20% of the Representatives are generating 80% of the revenue!
Now if you have a downline of 10 Ladies 2 of them are generating 80% of your unit sales - interesting?
Let's go further, if you have 300 in your district - 60 Representatives are generating 80% of the district revenue.
Your job is to be one of the 20% and then duplicate yourself (therein lies the cash)!
It's not as easy as you may think, which is why you're here!
Chew on that for a while.....
- Posted from my iPhone
Location:Somewhere in America!