Over the years we've had several thousand representatives from all over the world visit the blog and my website http://darcyevans.com/avon.htm .
I'm glad and I hope you've found the information helpful.
Since most of you are new to the business I'd like to ask those that are more experienced to become involved. You have ideas that may be beneficial to your fellow representatives. I'll be the first to admit I don't have all the answers, a fresh perspective would be welcome.
Here's what to do...
You can comment on any of the posts and offer your own opinions for others to read or if you really want to contribute email me at
me@darcyevans.com tell me about yourself and I'll arrange for you to be a contributor and you can post your own topics.
Remember, in order for you to get out of life what you want - you have to help someone else get what they want!
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone
What really seems to work for me, is that I offer anyone who orders a $20 order or more a chance to be put into a drawing. The drawing is held roughly every 3 campaigns. I make up a basket of a few products, or offer an upcoming product out of the demo (around the holidays something seasonal) and I tend to get alot of people placing orders to get a chance to win the drawing.
Good idea Brittany! The most important thing is to keep thinking of new ideas to get the word out there. The fact that that you're here (and other sites like this) is an indication you're building your business - good for you! Good luck.
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